Mary Siatkowski, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Mary is a seasoned registered and licensed Occupational Therapist with over 35 years treating children of all ages. She graduated with a Masters in Health Services Administration from St. Thomas University and a Bachelor’s Degree of Science from Florida International University with a focus and passion for Occupational Therapy. Mary has experience treating various diagnoses including developmental delays, neurologic disorders, Spina Bifida, Trisomy 21, Autism, genetic anomalies, and feeding disorders. Mary takes advantage of annual continuing education courses to learn new treatment techniques that benefit her patients to include: NDT for
babies 0-3, Sensory Integration Treatment, Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention, Sequential-Oral-Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding, Understanding and Managing Visual Deficits, Handwriting with Out Tears printing program, Loops and Groups cursive writing program, and Brain Gym work to activate left and right brain functions of the school age child. Mary loves to spend time with her husband and 2 sons.